Welcome to Yogasukham! This is a space where we all come together as a community to foster health and happiness, kindness and compassion, and wellness of body and mind. Through our daily practice we bring awareness to our body, breath, mind, and spirit. We are grateful to you for making us a part of your wellness journey.
Thank you for visiting. Keep scrolling for more on our offerings …
YOGA – The union of Mind & Body
A regular, consistent practice brings strength, stability, focus, and awareness within our body and mind. At YogaSukham, we practice and teach Yoga with attention to alignment, creating awareness and the ability to listen to the body.
We use props to assist, strengthen, and align the body to then find strength, flexibility and ease in the poses.
We teach breath awareness during practice of poses and practice calm in poses.
Our classes cater to ALL LEVELS, guiding beginners with the basics while cueing experienced practitioners to find ease, depth, and strength in their practice. We strive to bring a non-intimidating, friendly, warm, and comfortable class to all our practitioners.
Workshops, Intensives, and Events
Deepen the Learning. Enhance the Practice
We regularly hold shorter 2-hour workshops, longer 4-5 hours Practice Intensives, as well as Learning Weekends to intensify, deepen, and hone the practice and teachings of Yoga. Click here to see our events calendar!
Our state-of-the-art Rope Wall with adjustable padded slings enables a variety of poses on and off the floor!
We hold Inversion Training using the inversion bench allowing safe risk-free inversions.
We regularly hold focused workshops on Standing Poses, Forward Folds, Backward Extensions, Balancing Poses, Spinal Twists, Hip Openers, and Therapy Balls, etc.
We offer Introductory and Intensive Workshops on Meditation, Pranayama, and a host of other relavant topics.
Our next Yoga Advanced Studies Program is beginning soon! Watch this space or call/email us to find out more.
Interested in something specific? Ask Us! Email or Call!
Pure Sound – A Sublime Healing Experience

Soundbath for private and intimate small groups
Experience this great way to de-stress with your family and close friends.
Request a soundbath with Satya for a deeply relaxing and restorative experience of pure sound. Let your body and mind be serenaded by the harmonic vibrations of quartz crystal singing bowls & Paiste Healing Gong