In-Studio Membership
Attending In-Studio classes:
- Please do not come to the studio if you have fever, cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if you or someone you live with was recently diagnosed with COVID-19.
- You must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to come to the studio. If you are not vaccinated for COVID-19, please continue to attend online classes.
- Please arrive at the studio at least 5-10 minutes prior to class start time. Practice spots will be designated to maintain social distancing protocols.
- Our practitioners bring their own props – Yoga mat, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 strap, and 1 teardrop. Don’t have props? No worries! We can help you with those! Try-and-Buy at the studio!
- Yoga bolster and chair, when needed, will be provided at the studio
- Face mask is required in accordance with the prevalent county guidelines.
Booking your in-studio class:
- Classes are clearly called out on the schedule as In-Studio or Online. Please do NOT book an online class and show up to the studio.
- Pre-booking of classes is required. Once the class limit is reached booking will close.
- You cannot attend In-studio class without pre-booking. No Drop-ins will be allowed.
- You can choose to get on a wait list. If a spot opens, you will move up in the queue and will be notified of the confirmed booking. If you do not wish to take that spot, please login and cancel your booking so that the next person in the queue can take the spot. Reserving your spot and not showing up will take away a spot from someone else. Please do not do that.
- If you do not get a spot for an in-studio class, you are welcome to attend the online class. Please book yourself into the online class
- Booking for in-studio classes will be available upto two weeks in advance.
New at the studio:
- We have set up Air Cleaning Devices, certified by California Air Resources Board (CARB), in the practice rooms. These will be running throughout the practice duration.
- We have provided hand sanitizers in multiple locations in the studio.
- Yoga chairs will be sanitized, and bolsters will have fresh covers for each practice session.
- There will be no storage provided at the studio other than the shoe rack. Please do not bring your valuables, purses etc. into the studio. Leave them at home or in your car. Please use the limited space judiciously.